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Premium Research Databases
Ohio Web Library
The Ohio Web Library is an evolving collection of thousands of online publications and research resources. The Ohio Web Library includes: popular magazines, trade publications, scholarly research journals, newspapers, encyclopedias, dictionaries, speeches, poems, plays, maps, satellite images of Ohio, and more. The Ohio Web Library supports quality education, a skilled workforce, business growth, and lifelong learning in Ohio.
1970-present; citations to journal articles, books (15th century to present), and audiovisuals about food, nutrition, and most aspects of the agricultural sciences.
BioMed Central
1999 – present (varies); provides a collection of free, open access, mostly peer reviewed research articles from over 100 biomedical, medicine, health, biology and biotechnology related
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
1976-present; The Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP) indexes electronic and print publications from the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the U.S. government. Direct links are provided to those publications that are available online. Guide
Chemistry Central
Peer-reviewed open access research articles in chemistry published by, or in cooperation with, BioMed Central.
The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), through its National Library of Medicine (NLM), has developed this site in collaboration with all NIH Institutes and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It provides patients, family members, health care professionals, and members of the public access to updated information on thousands of federally and privately supported clinical trials for a range of diseases and conditions.
DOAL-Directory of Open Access Journals
A directory of over 7,000 journals that, freely available online. Also includes a search engine for several of the titles.
ERIC Database 1959-present; Full-text ERIC Documents, 1993-present. Quality source of information on all aspects of education for all age groups, including counseling, tests, and measurement.
Google Scholar
Records and citations from Google’s Web index calculated to be scholarly. Although useful for most topics, it contains a small subset of available publications; other databases on this page will have additional items on your topic.
HighWire Press
1948-present; indexing and selected full text to over 800 journals in the life sciences, medicine, physical and social sciences.
Information Bridge [U. S. Department of Energy]
1995-present; over 58,000 full-text DOE research and development reports. Reports included in the database cover a wide variety of subjects in the sciences, including physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, and renewable energy.
MEDLINE via PubMed
1950-present; indexes over 4,800 journals in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine and the preclinical sciences. PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s search service that provides access to over 14 million citations in MEDLINE, and other related databases, with links to participating online journals.
Guide | Tutorial
Originated in 1998; National Library of Medicine’s selective list of authoritative health information sources from the National Institutes of Health and other government and professional organizations in the U.S. Updated nightly, it has over 4,000 articles on various diseases, symptoms, drugs and procedures, as well as interactive health tutorials, research news, local resources, directories of hospitals and physicians, clinical trials and links to MEDLINE for journal citations.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
Dates vary; includes databases, research and current general information about substance abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment policies, programs, and practices. Also includes the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
1972-present; citations and abstracts to federal, state, and local government documents, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research in the field of criminal justice. Some publications are available in full text.
Paper of Record
Dates vary; full text of historical newspapers from the early 1800s to the mid 1900s. Free registration required.
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
Present; data from more than 100 sources about all aspects of criminal justice in the United States. Over 600 tables.
World Factbook
Current; country profiles for each nation, including history, people, government, economy, military, industry, flags, and maps.